Friday, October 15, 2010

America's Top Google Earn Potential High Earnings America's #1 highest paid earnings

How I Got Started with Google
This is no get rich quick scheme with Google as with every business adventure it takes time and dedication to build a business in an effort to see cash results. However, most Americans are familiar with Google search engines, as it is one of the most prominent search engines on the web that gives many Americans the opportunity to make cash and get paid from Google direct. The best thing about this self-employment job is that you can make cash any were at any time of the day, you even make cash is your sleep while doing nothing. The first step in making cash is that I would recommend establishing a Google email account, and then setting up a Google AdSense account, then I would find many blog sites to start writing blogs on, such as, and you can also start with hub-pages, then move onto other blog sites to post your written material. I can not tell you what to write about, however it is highly suggested that you write material with an adequate amount of content and AdWords material to get your point across and to engage the reader and to direct more traffic to your site, for better cash revenue earnings.

Also, if you can take time out of your busy schedule and write a blog at least three times a day, or even daily it will produce much faster results in the amount of material you are putting out to reach your target audience. However, keep in mind just one really good blog can generate cash revenue, since their are blogs out their generating approximately $100 cash or more a day just off one blog. This is something I am guilty at in regards to daily blog postings, however cash payout varies based on what your cash income goal seeking level is, and on content and material and what it is your writing about that will spark the interest of constituents. It does not take any special skills to write a blog, it takes perhaps some research on your topic choice, or just your own life experience that you want to share with your readers.

The bottom line is to establish good AdWords to use to reach a larger search engine base, and lengthy content material. Another source is to add affiliates to your sites as a means to establish more cash flow, and to market your blog as well, such as with search engines, new adds, face book, twitter, MySpace, are some examples of marketing strategies, and networking sites, along with friends and family to pass along the blog too. You can even YouTube your blog. The sky is the limit to amount of marketing strategies you can put into your blog to get traffic driven to your site.

In your spare time, or if your seeking work, take time to set up a blog account and start posting blogs, and if you do not have computer go to your nearest library, or friends house, Internet access is almost readily available anywhere, and the good news is you can write your blogs any where you want. The economy is in a recession and jobs are scarce so why not try to make money by writing blogs you have nothing to loose but the possibility of making some money. Keep in mind this may be time consuming yet the pay off, and rewards can be lucrative for just sitting at home making cash or even in your sleep. If you choose to get more advanced you can link your blogs to other domains.

It does not take a rocket scientist to figure this out, it is self explanatory, and Google is really good with direction on how to set up and AdSense account, everything is pretty much self explanatory, I'm sure these few tips helped a little bit, but it is start of a new adventure so why not give it a shot, I'm sure you want to make a few dollars as every penny counts in today's hard economic times, I know I can sure use the extra change. Here is another way to add money to your portfolio:

Also look at the YouTube video, to further give you direction in setting up your Ad Sense account. "Happy Blogging"

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Search Engine Marketing & Optimization

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